Monday, August 13, 2001

She worked very hard all weekend on sculptures for a series that used the last words people spoke before their death as a jumping off point. She was startled by how dark and disturbing the resulting creatures were--they had an unexpected presence to them. They were powerful, but they were also discomforting and she wasn't sure she liked them. When she remarked on it Kim said, "We know your sculptures come from a troubled place, but we are dealing with it the best we can." The statement surprised her. She had never thought of her art as coming from a troubled place.

She thought she might do a similar series based on words from her dreams. But given the dreams' nightmarish quality, she wasn't certain the sculptures would become any less unsettling.

Monday, August 06, 2001

She received her free student ID from Mejor Vida Corp., a Mexico City artist project that offers a variety of free products via the internet. She thought the products--including subway tickets, lottery tickets, and bar code stickers for cheaper groceries--were meant to protest discrimination because of income and race as found in government and corporate worlds, but she found the project more successful in terms of its playfulness then its political content.

Saturday, August 04, 2001

After her swim she was struck by the realization that she was afraid of her own grief. Whenever she would begin to feel a wave of sadness come over her, she would put up a big mental roadblock. It took a lot of concentration for her to let herself feel the sadness. In order not to shove the emotion away, she would have to stop whatever she was doing, sit down, close her eyes, and be attentive to her feeling as she allowed it to well up inside her. Otherwise, a feeling of fear would come up right behind the grief and push it away out of her consiousness.

She felt the reaction must be in response to the heavy toll Kelly's death had taken on her years earlier. At some deep level, she must fear that her grief will be so great that if she let's herself experience it unchecked, it will destroy her world in the same way it did before.